Maintenance technical installations Damen Schelde Flushing 1

Maintenance techn. installations

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Project information

Project description:

Damen has three sites in Vlissingen: two wharfs and one office location. Damen has various technical installations and an infrastructure of its own on these sites. Additionally, Damen has its own high voltage system, a main distributor and a number of substations.


Delmeco inspected the technical installation of the wharf and office buildings for control and maintenance purposes. Delmeco also examined the high voltage installation that Damen owns.


Delmeco examined the technical state of the installation by means of a condition inspection. It was based on the NEN 2767 method and was further adjusted for a high voltage/power distributor. With this inspection as a basis, a plan for improvement and a plan for sustainment were drawn up.


This was carried out by Delmeco´s own inspectors; Delmeco has inspectors who are specifically trained for high voltage technology.


Currently, Delmeco Projecten is the party responsible for all Damen installations, in accordance with NEN3140.

Client: Damen

Damen Vlissingen is a wharf that designs and constructs marine vessels.

Delmeco Raadgevend Ingenieurs bureau

Marquesweg 4
4462 HD Goes, The Netherlands

+31 (0)113-270484