Maintenance technical installations Damen Schelde Flushing 1

BRL 6010 certified

Over the past few months, Delmeco Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau has worked hard on its certification for Legionella prevention Advice in accordance with BRL 6010 (assessment guideline for Legionella prevention Advice about collective tap water installations).

For this reason, Delmeco RIB has written a handbook and control plans with corresponding Risk Analyses, checklists, drawings and schedules. A number of projects were inspected for the certification.


The assessment and corresponding project visits were performed by KIWA Nederland (a certification company) on 11 November 2013. KIWA has approved of the system we have set up and we have received our certificate now.



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Delmeco Raadgevend Ingenieurs bureau

Marquesweg 4
4462 HD Goes, The Netherlands

+31 (0)113-270484