Double sludge induction dryer 1


Delmeco Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau consults, designs, draws, calculates and inspects. We combine knowledge in the fields of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and industrial automation. This ensures that we can handle the complete engineering of (complex) technical installations for you.


Every successful project starts with a good conversation in which we pay thorough attention to what you say. We examine your processes critically and independently. As a next step we come up with innovative, sustainable and fitting solutions. We consult with you on a regular basis and present our solutions and ideas in a clear manner.


Our knowledge works for you

We work in multidisciplinary teams which combine all the knowledge in the fields of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and industrial automation. You will have one contact within the organisation. We work closely together with Delmeco Projecten. They can build and install what we design. It is an added value for you that we are also involved in the execution of the project. It means that we deliver exactly what you want.

We work, amongst others, for the nuclear industry, food processing industry, recycling/waste industry, process industry, fishing industry, packing industry and leisure industry.


ISO 9001 Certified

We are committed to quality and innovation. To allow us to continually ensure this quality, we use a quality management system in which all our procedures and activities are laid down. This system is ISO 9001:2015 certified. This means our clients can be certain of a guaranteed quality.

BRL 6010 Certified

Delmeco Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau is officially certified by KIWA in accordance with the BRL 6010 (assessment guideline for Legionella prevention advice for collective tap water systems) and the related ISSO-55.1 (priority systems) and 55.2 (non-priority systems) standards.

In Zeeland, Delmeco is one of a small number of companies that are certified to carry out Legionella inspections in accordance with the BRL 6010. Our office in Goes has independent certified inspectors. This means that we are authorised to carry out inspections and prepare risk management plans including the related risk assessments for both non-priority and priority systems.

Furthermore, we ensure that our designs of new systems and adjustments to existing systems are compliant with the latest requirements in the field of Legionella prevention.

We can also assist you in selecting the right partner for correcting any flaws found, building supervision and completion.


We aim for a continuous improvement of our advisory services in the field of Legionella prevention. This is why we have invited KIWA to carry out assessments on a regular basis.


On the page BRL6010 Legionella you can read more about Legionella and about  our services. 


Director and engineer. R. (Raymond) Potters: “A good team within a business works well if you deploy the best qualities of each individual employee and combine these in a project team. That way you get a team of specialists that can solve every technical problem… they are Masters in Engineering.”

Delmeco Raadgevend Ingenieurs bureau

Marquesweg 4
4462 HD Goes, The Netherlands

+31 (0)113-270484